Friday, 18 June 2010

Things are now taking shape around here...

Okay, so, last night, I re-posted, but properly rather than simply in one big post, the mega post of goodness part two from the lovely time blog, including all the covers and a bit more of a ramble about each of the posts. I feel better about that, giving each one of the awesome recordings more space, hopefully more people will get them and love them.

A load of other awesome blogs have been linked to at the side, they're just a good solid selection of blogs that I personally use (mostly that use mediafire), so get emptying them.

All that's needed now is a few folk to help spread the word of this blog around the internet, and a few contributors that are into EVERYTHING, that have a full appreciation of everything musical, (except maybe opera, that's just shit, operatic vocals ruin amazing classical music!), (oh, and country and western, that can fuck off too), but, yeah, generally, everything from folk, shoegaze, ambient, electronic, right through to death, grind, black, thrash, slam, core, as long as it has that something a little extra special then we're good to go. Also, anyone who wants to post up cool articles, news blips, interviews and things like that, so long as it's all relative, then it's all good.

If you're interested, or if you want to let us know something about a post, maybe a spelling / typo (I am a grammar freak, and usually get things right, but sometimes slips can occur), let me know. I want this to be a pleasurable, enlightening, interesting, fresh read as well as being crammed full of goodies.

So, on with the goodies, got a load more stuff lined up to post, to play catch up with the closing down of lovely time blogspot, and also to start throwing some new things into the melting pot.

Now, pleeeeeease re-post on your facebooks, myspaces, twitters (shitters! but hey, if you like it, then fair enough), other blogs, news feeds and forums, any help is much appreciated.

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