Nice little collection of Napalm Death videos here for you.
Click each individual title for downloading the video...
Greed Killing Breed to Breathe Mass Appeal Madness Morale Plague Rages Silence is Deafening Suffer the Children The World Keeps Turning When All Is Said And Done
So, Mediafire and generally all the file hosting sites are having a clear out and a panic, this is making the sharing of music very difficult in blog format now. Frustratingly so especially when they are LEGITIMATE freely distributed recordings... I've even had some of my OWN PERSONAL RECORDINGS removed in the past... Quite a few of the posts on here are either my own or friends' bands' recordings, or things I've found that they are giving away happily for free...
Unfortunately though, before the entire site gets closed / I get in trouble / ALL my own personal stuff gets removed, I am now clearing out any links that aren't OFFICIALLY MEANT TO BE AVAILABLE FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION. This is a shame, but it has to be done.
Unfortunately also, there won't be any new posts, so we'll just serve this as a bit of an archive for mini reviews / recommendations, free stuff that's genuinely free and the odd bit of news.
Cheers to everyone who continues to check this site out, the hit counter is doing well!
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